Art Quotes
“The reason the art world doesn't respond to Kinkade is because none - not one - of his ideas about subject-matter, surface, color, composition, touch, scale, form, or skill is remotely original. They're all cliche and already told.”
“A metaphysical tour de force of untethered meaning and involuting interlocking contrapuntal rhythms, 'The Clock' is more than a movie or even a work of art. It is so strange and other-ish that it becomes a stream-of-consciousness algorithm unto itself - something almost inhuman.”
-- Jerry Saltz
“I also take pleasure in the so-called negative power in Grotjahn's work. That is, I love his paintings for what they are not. Unlike much art of the past decade, Grotjahn isn't simply working from a prescribed checklist of academically acceptable, curator-approved 'isms' and twists.”
-- Jerry Saltz
“Film will only became an art when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil and paper.”
-- Jean Cocteau
“I have discovered the art of deceiving diplomats. I tell them the truth and they never believe me.”
-- Camillo di Cavour