Travel Quotes
“Having my first number one single and being able to travel to places I've never been before has been amazing. The tour was also fantastic. There are so many things which I've experienced this year which I never even dreamed of.”
“I had rather have a fool to make me merry than experience to make me sad and to travel for it too!”
-- William Shakespeare
“I like reading, free diving and hiking. But my favorite thing to do is travel anywhere in Greece. I love everything about that place.”
-- Max Irons
“Everywhere I travel throughout Eastern Washington, I hear from people demanding we do a better job of controlling our borders and reducing illegal immigration.”
-- Cathy McMorris
“Every job has its downside. For example, being in a band the travel part of it - getting picked up from your house in a car, going to the airport, getting on a plane, going from the airplane to a van, then going from the van to a hotel.”
-- Dave Lombardo
“At American Airlines, we have built a business around the love of travel that has lasted three quarters of a century. And I'm pretty sure we're just getting started.”
-- Gerard Arpey
“When you're a kid, I think you want to be a film star. And I'm not as enamoured with that any more. The reality of that life is a lot of travel, and a lot of being away, which is impractical because I have four children, so I don't want to be away that much, not the other side of the world away.”
-- Rob Brydon