Work Quotes
“I was a senior in high school when I decided I wanted to work on ants as a career. I just fell in love with them, and have never regretted it.”
“Italians know about human nature - they understand human nature perhaps better than anyone else does. They know that people are weak and greedy and lazy and dishonest and they just try to make the best of it to work around it.”
-- Donna Leon
“Avon is a unique place to work we've got family-friendly policies. We have more senior women in high-level management than any other company 46 percent of our officers are women.”
-- Andrea Jung
“I think life is full of challenges and problems. I don't believe that anyone is perfect. We all make mistakes. It's not a bed of roses, and you have to work real hard at it.”
-- Nigel Mansell
“Young people are threatened... by the evil use of advertising techniques that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every desire.”
-- Pope John Paul II
“God gave us faculties for our use each of them will receive its proper reward. Then do not let us try to charm them to sleep, but permit them to do their work until divinely called to something higher.”
-- Saint Teresa of Avila