Amazing Quotes
“Each of us have things and thoughts and descriptions of an amazing universe in our possession that kings in the 17th Century would have gone to war to possess.”
“As a young black boy, it made me proud to see black leaders that did something amazing and made the world change.”
-- John Legend
“You know, 'The Golden Girls' was a very unusual show to start on. I was young, and it was a show about old people, and it was a very traditional show, but it was also an amazing training ground for a joke-writer. It forced me to learn those skills.”
-- Mitchell Hurwitz
“The racing driver's mind has to have the ability to have amazing anticipation, coordination, and reflex. Because of the speed the car goes.”
-- Emerson Fittipaldi
“So when I go home, sometimes, even when I had an amazing game, I always think about what I missed.”
-- Thierry Henry
“It was an amazing mistake to lose 10p on every copy because your sleeve is so expensive.”
-- Peter Hook