Education Quotes
“Even in a time of fiscal austerity, education is more than just an expense.”
“Strange as it may seem, no amount of learning can cure stupidity, and formal education positively fortifies it.”
-- Stephen Vizinczey
“In common with many others in the varied branches of our profession, my academic education is subnormal.”
-- Loretta Young
“So I want my kids to go to public schools because I think it's a better education overall.”
-- Charles Schumer
“We've been working now with computers and education for 30 years, computers in developing countries for 20 years, and trying to make low-cost machines for 10 years. This is not a sudden turn down the road.”
-- Nicholas Negroponte
“For wide swaths of training and education there are valuable spillovers which mean that the private sector needs support from the government. That is why I have been so determined to protect and grow apprenticeships and put higher education on a sustainable footing.”
-- Vince Cable
“And I thought that was the best way for me to participate, because standing in the crowd and listening is a fantastic education, but it's not my nature. I need to be involved. So I did that instead.”
-- Andre Braugher
“I think we spend too much on K-12 education a.k.a. teachers' salaries. It's the only industry where you never see any productivity increases.”
-- Peter Brimelow