Education Quotes
“Even in a time of fiscal austerity, education is more than just an expense.”
“I don't feel I'm qualified to be a coach outside the high school level. I think I would need to do more education to really be a good coach.”
-- Carl Lewis
“It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense.”
-- Robert Green Ingersoll
“About half my work in education is U.S. political reform around school districts and charter schools, and creating more room for entrepreneurial organizations to develop. And about half on technology, which I look at as a global platform.”
-- Reed Hastings
“The Church is not a gallery for the exhibition of eminent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones.”
-- Henry Ward Beecher
“Positive thinking is the key to success in business, education, pro football, anything that you can mention. I go out there thinking that I'm going to complete every pass.”
-- Ron Jaworski
“When I get a little money I buy books and if any is left I buy food and clothes.”
-- Desiderius Erasmus
“Education is a crutch with which the foolish attack the wise to prove that they are not idiots.”
-- Karl Kraus
“There are 4 billion cell phones in use today. Many of them are in the hands of market vendors, rickshaw drivers, and others who've historically lacked access to education and opportunity. Information networks have become a great leveler, and we should use them together to help lift people out of poverty and give them a freedom from want.”
-- Hillary Clinton